
My name is Brad, and I write about technology thru the lens of two decades of supporting the implementation of systems into the often-slow-to-adopt worlds of government, non-profit, and other public arenas.

It’s not what I thought I’d be doing.

In the mid-90s I set out in my career intending to be a biologist. Living systems, organic processes, and the complexity of the natural world fascinate me. I wanted to study and research and spread that fascination with the world. Insects, ecologies, and genetics: these were my fodder of my post-secondary studies.

Instead, after convocation, I found myself in jobs where rather than doing research or teaching directly, I was supporting small organizations by leaning into a blossoming interest in technology as a means to communicate and educate about science, health, food production, environment, land use and more.

All this ultimately landed me in roles that lasted over two decades designing, building, deploying, and managing public technology systems for non-profits, NGOs, small businesses, and governments.

The words you’ll find on this site are some of my musings from those years.