hello, world?

In the mid-90s I set out in my career intending to be a biologist. Living systems, organic processes, and the complexity of the natural world fascinate me. I wanted to study and research and spread that fascination with the world.

Instead, I found myself in jobs where rather than doing research or teaching directly, I was leaning into technology as a means to communicate and educate about science, health, food production, environment, land use, and more.

All this ultimately landed me in roles that lasted over two decades designing, building, deploying, and managing public technology systems for non-profits, NGOs, small businesses, and governments.

I’ve been writing about my experiences in these roles in the form of essays and musings, and as I get those pieces ready to publish here (and elsewhere) I thought it would be a good idea to expand on the context around those words on a site of my own.

The foobarn has been my technology placeholder for a while, a stable full of ideas that I occasionally used as a quiet little techno-warehouse to dabble in code or concepts, but which never really matured to much beyond a shop that needed mucking out now and then. It seemed appropriate that I now give it a fresh coat of paint and use it now as a gallery of some of those ideas.

Thanks for peeking through the gates. See you soon.


